Please use the form to submit your bout footage.
Upload Requirements:
Videos must be cut to the specific touch in question; NO FULL LENGTH BOUTS. ANY UPLOADS LONGER THAN 30 SECONDS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED
No angles beyond 30 degrees from the center of the strip will be accepted. The referee’s point of view MUST be respected. Not all actions look the same from the side and cannot be use to verify the accuracy of calls.
3. Blurry or incomplete videos will be ignored and deleted.
What are we looking for?
Bout ending touches that are thought to be incorrect. (Priority on these)
Touches that are difficult to interpret or controversial (Must be YOUR OWN bouts, please do not upload someone else bouts or link to them.)
Situation where a referee incorrectly penalized, correctly penalized, or failed to penalize an infraction.
Non right of way rules infractions: Stepping off strip to avoid, corps a corps to avoid etc.